6 min readJan 11, 2021


Look, White Americans Have Been Spoiled from the beginning! The hands which birthed the United States are the same hands that’ll bring it’s demise. Insurrection, in a sense is the midwife that helped bring this nation out of the womb of Great Brittan! Revolutionary War, Boston Tea Party, anyone? The White colonies gained their independence under the military leadership of General Washington, but afterwards the colonies contrived of selfish seperate states at that time could’ve cared less about the soldiers who fought and died for that newly attained freedom from Mother Brittan.

White people hate more than just black people! White Americans are the most polorized group in the United States, the only problem is that they haven’t figured it out yet. Why? Because as of now they have a common enemy, anyone that is black or brown is their enemy, and so on down the line; if you don’t believe me do a comparison and contrast with Stalin and Hitler as two examples of non American white men, compared to the American white’s. Stalin, who starved his own White people to death to support Hitler, which bankrolled Hitler so he could kill more White People he didn’t like and in his quest he marched westwards until he had no choice but to turn back east and bring military assault against the very person who helped him in the beginning, Stalin. Now, White people (immigrants) in The United States are of the same descendancie’s of white people who occupied Nazi Germany, enabled Great Brittan to at one point occupy nearly every surface of the globe under the sun and so on. They’re no different, White people are savages, that’s their truth, they unify when there’s a common enemy. If Hillary Clinton were a white man she would’ve been elected POTUS hand’s down by White America. The White diaspora here within our territory lay claim to many reasons as to why they hate a female one of their own, wherein the truth is that she’s better at the White Man’s game than the white man himself, that’s another meal of for another plate.

Truthfully, black people are not all that different. We, along with all the White ethnicities in the United States were all singing God Bless America when we figured we had a common enemy after 911 and we didn’t even get that right, we’re still knee deep and trying to get our way out of that to the point that we’ve forgotten why we’re over there; also to the point that White America suddenly remembered that Black Americans; were, are, or, still is a threat to them. Bottom line, if all the Asians, and Hispanics (the dark skinned ones), black people, pacific islander’s, and native indians (what’s left of them) were to all pack up and leave the United States, much to the appeasement to the racist and non racist White people; all the White ethnicities (skinned toned) would only be left here with themselves. I can fully guarantee that they’ll start killing each other day one of our departure. That’s pretty much what’s going on now, our adversaries don’t have to attack us, all they have to do is sit back and let us destroy this nation ourselves from within.

We haven’t even began to scratch the surface of racism! White’s, like black’s, and every other ethnicity are all racist against each other, but the White persons view is that of everyone else first. True story, I once worked in a clothing store in a mall down in America’s most racist state, Florida. There, I obviously witnessed first hand racism all the time, but in this particular incident there was a family that owned the company and store’s that I, at the time a high schooler worked for. This company was originally out of Puerto Rico, and at they had some stores in Florida, so right there you should’ve picked up on the fact that I was their ethnic hire being that I was the only non hispanic working for the company in the States, on with the story. One summer the Puerto Rican Family that owned the company decided to let some of their spanish family members intern in their sores in the states. One family member-intern whom I worked with that summer happened to be from Spain, not Puerto Rico; so naturally in Puerto Rico, Spain, and the United States she’d be considered white based off of a narrow mind’s first perception of her pale white, definitely not from Florida, and or the south skin. The owner, her uncle simply put up with her while the other Puerto Rican employee’s fell into this narrative as well by giving her a hard time and mocking her dialect, education, and professionalism behind her back. Honestly, I was struggling to learn spanish so I didn’t see anything wrong with her dialect, she treated me and everyone else like a professional would, and for that and other reasons they held some resentment against her. That resentment itself is racism, even if they’re of the same ethnicity! This experience and others like it further solidify my point of white racism, but once again they haven’t realized it yet because we’re the beam in their eyes. To anyone who doesn’t believe me just ask yourself, why is there only one ethic aisle in grocery stores in which they shove every food that doesn’t represent white food in that one aisle? Why African stores, Jewish stores, Chinese stores, and every other “ethnic” none white store have to separately set up in order to satisfy their communities enthic representation? It’s because racism is who we are, not only as America’s but as a Global community, once we come to grip with these truth’s then, and only then will we began to uncover steps on how to work together; because all we have done so far is cover it up with niceness rather than attacking the issue head on and holding people accountable!

Insurrection against a government that, has by and large represented your race on an extremely wide margin for the last 246 years is simply a race problem. White Privilege is the audacious belief that others are now gaining the same access to power, therefore that same privilege allows White America to think that they have to take back their country from the Blacks, Asains, Native American’s, Middle Easterns, Central and South Americans; all, who helped defend their country against all threat’s foreign and domestic even when those threats were from those same White Americans when they were at their worst. Now, all of a sudden they want to overthrow that same government which has entitled them their privilege and denied us ours.

White America We Have Spoiled you! Your greatness is because of our sacrifice, the Constitution from it’s inception as the backbone of this country automatically qualifies you letter by letter for everything it guarantees. We let you shoot up mall’s, movie theaters, churches, and schools and you go unchecked. If it wasn’t for Covid-19 I can imagine how many schools would’ve had shootings across the nation in 2020. You’ve taken us out of our homes, imprisoned us on meritless charges, burned our communities, Gerrymandered us, Redlined us, made fun of and then sacked our culture(s) in the name of capitalism! You do all of this and more, and yet we still have to ask you to be treated nicely, every other race has to prove themselves to you and fight to be included under the Constitution, the same Constitution that we’ve all defended. And you’re trying to wage another civil war? White America, you are spoiled!

